With the new year in full swing, it is important to take a moment and reflect on 2017 and all the highlights to give us that extra boost of motivation for the year to come.
Firstly, we would like to thank each client, associate and business partner for your support through-out the previous year, we hope that our business relationship will continue to grow for many years to come. We would also like to thank each member of staff, for everyone’s hard work, enthusiasm and resourcefulness. Without you, MMS Group would not have been what it is today.
2017 was quite an eventful year for our MMS family:
Firstly, we would like to officially welcome a few new (and soon to be) family members:
During January 2017 Maria Masethi and her family welcomed a little baby boy, Nkateko to the world, while Lisa and Willie van Rooyen welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Emma. Amoret and William Sudding welcomed their first born, little Amoryn, in July. May your little ones spread smiles and warmth in your families!
Chantelle and David Olivier got married in April. We wish you two a very happy and blessed married life!
Monique Bredenhann and Hening Myburg got engaged in June, Matthew Larkins proposed to Jessica Santana in September and Preveen Daya popped the big question to Bernadien Beukes in December. All the best with the wedding plans and may your relationships last forever.
We are also proud to boast with multiple professional achievements:
Jessica Santana, Patricia Khomani, Rene Engelbrecht and Rolinda Robbertse all passed their SAIPA professional evaluations and are now Professional Accountants (SA).
First year article clerks, Tapiwa Kanhukamwe and Lytton Maisera passed CTA board 1, while George Makwite and Setisha Naik passed the entry exam to write CTA board 2 and are well on their way to becoming Chartered Accountants.
From all of us at MMS, we would just like to congratulate you on these great mile stones!
During 2017 Dirk Bester and Reinier Duraan joined MMS Group to expand our footprint and opened a MMS Group branch in Bellville, Cape Town.
We would also like to congratulate Preveen Daya, Razeen Moosa, Sebastian Santana, Sakkie Ditsele and Winfried Nuss, who all received their 5-year long service awards and a special congratulations to Sadia Mahdi who has been with us for the past 10 years! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication!
Looking back at all the highlights of 2017 we are excited to see what the new year has instore for us!
Lastly, we would also like to welcome our new article clerks:
Charlene Bakare, Isheanesu Mashiri and Lesley Chikede in the Audit division and Chariska Sutton working in Trust services. We trust that your journey, here at MMS, will be rewarding and that you will live by the motto: Connect, Understand, Solve!
To all who have walked the extra mile with us, thank you, we hope that you will have a prosperous 2018 and punch above your weight!
Kind regards,
The Directors of MMS Group
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