What Emigrating South Africans Should Know
The New Waiting Period: In the past, individuals relocating from South Africa could access their retirement savings immediately upon verifying their emigration status. However, as of March 2021, a new regulation stipulates a minimum three-year holding period before these savings can be fully withdrawn. |
Proving Tax Non-Residency: An essential step for withdrawal involves the requirement of individuals to provide evidence of their non-resident tax status. This is typically achieved through a Notice of Non-Resident Tax Status issued by SARS. This notice certifies when an individual’s tax residency ceased, serving as a vital piece of documentation needed for the policyholder to process the withdrawal. Without this notice, the withdrawal process cannot begin. |
The Possible Two-Pot System : The anticipated launch of the two-pot retirement system in March 2024 might introduce additional complexities for expatriates aiming to withdraw their retirement savings. Under this proposed framework, one-third of all retirement savings would be assigned to a savings “pot”, while the remaining two-thirds would be allocated to the retirement component. Retirement holders will be able to execute a single taxable withdrawal annually from their savings pool, given that the balance has accumulated to a minimum of R2,000. This aims to cater to immediate emergency financial needs, offering early access to retirement funds. A vested “pot” would encompass all retirement savings accumulated before the implementation of this system, and these funds would continue to be managed as they currently are, separate from the two-pot retirement system. The consequences of this system, along with its related tax implications, are largely undetermined at this point. |